Python Course Content
Core Python
- What Is Python?
- Why Python?
- Who uses Python?
- Histoy of Python
- Feautures of Python
- Where python can be used?
- Installing python from the command line
- Running python scripts on Windows/Unix/Linux
Basic Python Syntax
- Basic Syntax
- Identifiers
- Rules to define identifiers
- Single line comments
- Multi line comments
- Reserverd Keywords
- Naming Conventions
- Print(),Type() and Id() functions
- Input() and raw_input() functin
- Type Conversion functions
- Del keyword
Data Types
- What is Datatype?
- Built in Datatypes
- None Type
- Numaric Types
- Sequences
- Sets
- Mappings
- bool Datatype
- Arithmatic operators
- Assignment operators
- Unary minus operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Membership operators
- Identity operators
- Precedence of operators
String Handling
- What is string?
- Reading Data From Strings in Python
- String slicing
- String Concatenation
- String Formatting in Python
- Working with string functions
Flow Control Statements
- Conditional Statements
- Transfer Statements
- Iterative Statements
Conditional statements
- if statement( One-way decisions)
- .else statement (Two-way decisions)
- .else if .. Else statement (Multi-Way)
- Nested if else
- Single line if else statement
- Values as Conditions
- Using Logical Operators
Transfer Statements
- Break statements
- Continue statements
- Pass statements
Iterative Statements
- While loop
- . Else
- for loop
- Infinite loop
- Nested loops
- .else
Advance Python
- Introduction to collections
- Lists
- Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- Collections indexing and slicing
- Working with methods of collections
- Iterating through collections
- Nested collections
- Getting Dictionary values
- Counting with dictionaries
- Differences between List, tuple and set
Working with Lists
- Declaration and accessing lists
- Data updation in lists
- Data deletion from lists
- Understanding basic list operations
- Python List built functions
- Alias and clone
- Sorting list elements
- Nested lists
- List Comprehensions
Working with Tuples
- Declaration and accesing Tuples
- Data Updation in “Tuples”
- Data Deletion From “Tuples”
- Understanding The Basic “Tuples” Operations
- Understanding Tuple “Indexing”, “Slicing” And “Matrixes”
- Python Tuple Built-in Functions
- Experiencing Tuple With Methods
Working with Dictionary
- Declaration and accesing of Dictionary
- How to access elements from Dictionary
- Built in functions on Dictionarey
- How to add an element to dictionary
- How to delete an element from dictionary
- Assignments on Dictionary
- Defining function
- Calling function
- Function parameters
- Types of arguments
- Handling return values
- Scope of variable – Global, local
- passing collections to a function
- Lambda functions/anonymous functions
- Filter and map() functions
Understand Functions Arguments
- positional arguments
- keyword arguments
- Default arguments
- variable-length arguments
- What is module?
- Types of modules
- The import statement
- . Import
- Reloading module
- Dir() function
- main() function
- Introduction to packages
- py file
- Defining packages
- importing from packages
- Defining sub packages
- importing from subpackages
Date, OS, Sub Process Modules
- Definitions of OS
- Date format convertions
- Usage of date,OS in real time
- Definition of date modules
- Definitions of Sub process modules
File Handling
- What is a file?
- Opening a file
- Reading data from a file
- writing data to a file
- Closing a file
- working with the methods of file objects
- Replacing the content of file
- Working with directories
- working CSV files
- Assignments
Oops concepts
- Introduction to oop’s programming
- Feautures of OOPS
- Classes and Objects
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
Classes and Objects
- Creating a class
- Constructor
- Namespaces
- Types of Methods
- Passing Members of one Class to Another Class
- Inner classes
Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Constructors in inheritance
- The super() Method
- Types of inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Operator overloading
- Method overloading
- Method overriding
Abstract classes and Interfaces
- Abstract method and Abstract class
- Interfaces in python
- Abstract classes vs interfaces
- Assignments
Exception Handling
- Syntax errors
- Runtime errors
- What is exception?
- Need of exception Handling
- Predefined exceptions
- try, except and finally clauses
- Handling multiple exceptions
- Nested try, except and finally blocks
- Raise , assert statements
- Assignments
Regular Expressions
- Regular expressions syntax
- Understanding regular expressions
- Special characters
- Character classes
- Forming regular expressions
- Matching at beginning or end
- Match(),Search() and Sub() functions
- Splitting a string
- Replacing Text
- Flags
Database Connectivity
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Installation of oracle database access
- Creating oracle database instances
- Establishing connection with oracle
- Executing SQL queries
- Assignments
Python JSON parsers
- How to read JSON
- How to load JSON
- How to Parse JSON
- Assignments
Data analytics
- Introduction to bigdata
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Matplotlib