Azure Data Factory Course

ADF Course Content

1) Azure Data Factory

  1. What is Azure Data Factory?
  2. Azure Data Factory Architecture
  3. Azure Data Factory Portal UI
  4. Top-level concepts
    1. Pipelines
    1. Activities
    1. Linked services
    1. Datasets
    1. Triggers
    1. Data Flows
    1. Integration Runtimes

2) Pipeline

  1. What is a Pipeline?
  2. Create a new pipeline
  3. Organize pipelines into folders
  4. Debug pipeline
  5. Publish pipeline
  6. Parameters / Pipeline Parameters                   

3) Linked Service

  1. What is a Linked Service?
  2. Create a Linked Service for –
    1. BLOB
    1. SQL Database
    1. SQL Server
    1. Data Lake Storage Gen1
    1. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 etc
  3. Parameters / Linked Service Parameterization

4) DataSets

  1. What is a Data Set?
  2. Create a Data Set for –
    1. Avro, Binary, CSV, Excel, JSON, ORC, Parquet, XML in BLOB/ADLS Gen1/ADLS Gen2.
    1. Table in SQL Database, SQL Server, Oracle Database etc
  3. Parameters / Data Set Parameterization

5) Activities

  1. Wait
  2. Variables
    1. Create a variable
    1. Set variable
    1. Append variable
  3. Copy Data
    1. General
    1. Source
    1. Sink
    1. Mapping
    1. Settings
    1. User Properties
  4. Copy file(s) from one BLOB Container to another Container
    1. One file from a folder
    1. All files from a folder
    1. All files and folders recursively from a folder
  5. Copy data / file from BLOB to SQL Database / ADLS Gen2
    1. As CSV, TSV, Parquet, Avro, ORC etc.
  6. Databricks Notebook
  7. Azure Function
  8. Lookup, Stored Procedure
  9. Get Metadata, Delete
  10. Execute Pipeline
  11. Validation, Fail
  12. Iteration & Conditionals
    1. Filter
    1. ForEach
    1. If Condition
    1. Switch
    1. Until

6) What is a Trigger?

  1. Types
    1. Schedule
    1. Tumbling window
    1. Storage Events
  2. Triggers with Parameters

7) Integration Runtime (IR)

  1. Azure AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime
  2. Azure Managed Virtual Network
  3. Self-Hosted
  4. Linked Self-Hosted

8) Source control

  1. Git configuration
  2. ARM Template
    1. Export / Import
  3. Azure Devops Repos

9) Global parameters

10) Credentials

11) Monitoring ADF Jobs

12) Alerts

13) Send Failure Notifications using Logic Apps

14) Data Flows

  1. What is Data Flow?
  2. Mapping Data Flow
  3. Data Flow Debug
  4. Transformations
    1. Filter, Aggregate, Join
    1. Conditional Split, Derived Column
    1. Exists, Union, Lookup, Sort,
    1. GroupBy, Pivot, Unpivot, Flatten etc.
    1. Flatten, parase, stringify
    1. Filter sort, alterrow,asset
    1. flowlet
  5. Validate Schema, Schema Drift
  6. Remove Duplicate Rows using Mapping Data Flows in Azure Data Factory

15) Azure Devops

  1. Repos

16) SDLC

17) Agile Methodology

18) ADF Interview Questions

19) ADF Resume Preparation

20) End TO End ADF Project

21) ADF Exercises

  1. Create variables using set variable activity
  2. How to use if condition using if condition activity
  3. Iterating files using for loop activity
  4. Creating linked services, Data sets
  5. Copy activity – blob to blob
  6. Copy activity – blob to azure SQL
  7. Copy activity – pattern matching files copy
  8. Copy activity – copy the filtered file formats
  9. Copy activity – copy multiple files from blob to another blob
  10. Copy activity – Delete source files after copy activity
  11. Copy activity – using parameterized data sets
  12. Copy activity – convert one file format to another file format
  13. Copy activity – add additional columns to the source columns
  14. Copy activity – filter files and copy from one blob to another
  15. Delete the files from blob with more than 100KB
  16. How to use getmetdata activity
  17. Bulk copy tables and files
  18. How to integrate keyvault in ADF
  19. How to set up integration run time
  20. Copy data from on premises to azure cloud
  21. How to use databricks activity activity and pass paraemeters to it
  22. How to use scheduling trigger
  23. How to use tumbling window trigger
  24. How to use event based trigger
  25. How to use with Activity
  26. How to use Until Activity
  27. Dataflows – select the rows
  28. Dataflows – Filter the rows
  29. Dataflows – join Transformations
  30. Dataflows – union Transformations
  31. Dataflows – look up Transformations
  32. Dataflows – window functions transformations
  33. Dataflows – pivot, unpivot transformations
  34. Dataflows – Alter rows transformations
  35. Dataflows – Removing Duplicates transformations
  36. How to pass parameters to the pipeline
  37. How to create alerts and rules
  38. How to set global parameters
  39. How to import and export ARM templates
  40. How to integrate ADF with Devops
  41. How to use Azure devops Repos
  42. How to send mail notifications using logic apps
  43. How to monitor the pipelines
  44. How to debug the pipelines
  45. How to schedule pipeline using triggers
  46. How to create trigger dependency
  47. How to one pipeline in another pipeline

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      Data Engineering Course

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      8:00 PM - 9:00 PM IST

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